Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

10 Recommendations For a Healthy Diet

To make the weight just follow a few simple rules and try to eat healthy it is possible.

1. Eat a varied but not too much.

Secret full power is not always eat the same thing. Eat foods vary in different vegetables, grains, legumes and fruits. Here is where the success of a balanced diet.

2. less fat and fatty foods.

Several types of fats. The "invisible" fats are the most harmful and not have them and also tend to be saturated (dairy, red meat, sausages ...). Good fats are the stator, Omega-known, which are found in olive oil, flax, sunflower oil, nuts and seeds. However, do them too.

3. Many vegetables, potatoes and fresh fruit.

In them lies the eternal youth, vitamins and minerals. You will find in these foods, which are also easy to digest, cheap and not fattening.

4. More whole grains.

Not only because of the fiber, but also because of the shell are vitamin B, which is a vitamin nervous system, which helps us to defend ourselves from stress, rest and sleep well. Also, whole grains energy is absorbed slowly, avoid peak blood glucose levels.

5. Less animal protein.

Saturated fats secret because they do not contain fiber and intestinal problems occur, favoring the existence of pathogenic intestinal flora. It is appropriate that the protein is predominantly vegetable (legumes, nuts), as it binds the fibers and generates fermentative intestinal flora, ideal for assimilate nutrients and metabolic waste removed.

6. A little candy, sugar and honey.

To make as much as 5% of the daily ishrani.Idealan way to sugar for those who prefer, post to drink a glass of warm water with lemon and a teaspoon of honey. It is a great tonic and calm anxiety. When taken sweet desire, getting dates.

7. Less salt and salty foods.

The palate is also conducted. Who is able to eat food in its purest form, without masks with huge amounts of salt, sauces or spices. The best spices are fresh or dried herbs: oregano, thyme, basil, onion, parsley ... help the digestive process and have no side effects.

8. Drink 2 liters a day, mineral water or tea.

Especially if our diet does not contain enough fruit and vegetables, which are foods that bring us water, require hydration of pure herbal tea or water. Avoid canned drinks, sweetened with bubbles, caffeine, alcohol ...

9. Better a few simple meals.

Our digestive system suffers at one meal if different foods are mixed with different chemical and times and different rates of digestion sastava.Metabolizam nutrients associated with such foods will be more expensive in terms of resources that our body uses. Therefore, we will be more tired, intellectual and worse surrender accumulate waste.

10. The less processed foods are the healthiest.

Cooking at low temperatures, select the freshest and most natural possible, less processed foods to avoid redesigned food, redefine the very processed food, far from their natural state. The less processed foods are the healthiest.

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